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Dungeons and Dragons  Curse of Strahd Tarokka Deck

Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of Strahd Tarokka Deck

Price: $18.00
Available: Out of Stock
Brand:Dungeons & Dragons
Manufacture:Wizards of the Coast

Learn what fortunes await you with this gaming accessory for Ravenloft. If you’re playing Curse of Strahd, you’ll want to get your hands on the tarokka deck, a 54-card adventure supplement produced by Gale Force Nine. By using the tarokka deck to randomize locations within the adventure, Dungeon Masters can customize each party’s exploration of Barovia, allowing Curse of Strahd to be replayed for years to come. The deck also includes rules for Prophet’s Gambit, a card game for 3-5 players.

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