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Fidget Toy  Clusterz

Fidget Toy - Clusterz

Price: $7.00
Available: Out of Stock

Meet Clusterz, Trainers Warehouse exclusive finger fidget toy.

We designed Clusterz to look like the nucleus of an atom, the hard plastic "proton" and "neutron" beads that move around a center axis. But don't let our sciency description dissuade you. We fell in love with this stress relief fidget toy because it's small and transforms in your palm as you give it a squeeze. The bead clusters are connected with elastic so they always return to their original configuration. While this fidget toy is pretty handsome looking, it isn't too distracting, making it ideal as a classroom fidget toy.  Clusterz also fits comfortably in a pocket, in case you want to hide your fidget addiction or be more inconspicuous about your fidgeting.   


  • Colourful - each Clusterz will include 3 colors.  We mix and match the primarly colors into 4 stock patterns (Blue/Green/Yellow * Red/Green/Yellow * Red/Blue/Green * Red/Blue/Yellow), then pick them at random when shipped.   [NOTE: Images may not indicate the color we have in stock.]
  • Tiny size - Approximately 1.5" these are perfect for small hands and inconspicuous use
  • Gentle Sound - The hard plastic beads provide a quiet and soothing clacking noise. If you're looking for silence, you might need to choose a different option. But, when tested in standard classrooms and meeting rooms, sound made by Clusterz was found to be acceptable.

Are you concerned that fidget toys will cause more harm than good? That they'll actually cause more distraction? You're not alone. However, many workshop and meeting attendees swear by them. They say, "OMG, with fidget toys we just had our best meeting ever!" Office fidget toys are found to create a more playful and relaxed environment, thereby reducing stress. They also use up "floating attention" -- the wandering attention that likely kept us alive in prehistoric times. Nowadays, learners who have ADD/ADHD, are naturally fidgety, or consider themselves kinesthetic learners find that fidget toys allow them to remain focused for longer periods of time and absorb new material more quickly!

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