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Price: $90.00
Available: In Stock
Category:Card Game
Manufacture:Flat River Group
Players: 1-4

Create the most harmonious ecosystem as you puzzle together habitats and wildlife. 

1-4 Players  |  30-45 Mins  |  Ages 10+

Features: End Game Bonuses, Hexagon Grid, Open Drafting, Pattern Building, Solo / Solitaire Game

Theme: Animals, Environmental, Puzzle


Cascadia is a puzzly tile-laying and token-drafting game featuring the habitats and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest.

Players take turns building out their own terrain area and populating it with wildlife. Players must create a diverse and harmonious ecosystem as each animal species has a different spatial preference, and each habitat must be placed to reduce fragmentation and create wildlife corridors. Cascadia involves a unique dual-layer puzzle that progresses over time as more habitats and wildlife are added to each player's individual ecosystem. Players score points by creating the most harmonious spatial arrangements of wildlife, and also by creating the largest contiguous habitat corridors.

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