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Ugears  Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock

Ugears - Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock

Price: $165.00
Available: Out of Stock
Number Pieces:338

Model size: 30.5*18*16.5 cm
Number of components: 338
Estimated time for assembly: 15 hours

The Clockwork Universe theory favored by 17th C deists held that the Earth and the heavens, and all their motions, were like a giant clock, with God as the Clockmaker. Newton’s three laws of motion and the principle of universal gravitation were thought to be sufficient to explain phenomena of any kind, using mechanical conceptions. At Ugears we love mechanical conceptions! And so with a nod to Isaac Newton, we present the Sky Watcher Tourbillon Table Clock, a fascinating combination of imaginative celestial observatory and functional table clock!