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Dominion  Rising Sun Expansion

Dominion - Rising Sun Expansion

Price: $80.00
Available: Out of Stock
Category:Board Games
Manufacture:Rio Grande
Players: 2-4

This is the 16th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom card piles. There are Shadow cards that leap out from your deck, and Prophecies that will someday happen and change everything. Debt and Events return.

Across the sea, they have so much stuff. And it‘s so much better than your stuff. Finer craftsmanship. Better quality materials. Shinier. They have crowns, tiaras, and diadems - and that‘s just the hats. It‘s time to get some of that stuff. You want an easy life, and you‘re prepared to work hard for it. So you‘ve rounded up some old salty dogs, plus a sourpuss and a bitter goldfish. And set sail. The sea is a harsh mistress, but a good cook, at least if you like everything really salty. There are red skies tonight, so they‘ll be making a batch of Sailor‘s Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you‘ll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you‘ll be making.

You must have Dominion Base Game to play Dominion Rising Expansion