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Jacks 11 Piece Set

Jacks 11 Piece Set

Price: $15.00
Available: Out of Stock
Category:Family Games

Players take turns. On a player's turn, they must first throw the jacks onto the floor. If any of the jacks land so that they are stacked on top of each other, the player forfeits their turn. Otherwise, they begin to pick the jacks up in groups. They throw the ball up in the air, and must pick up a group and catch the ball after exactly one bounce. A player must first succeed in picking up all jacks one at a time in a single turn. Then they attempt to pick up the jacks two at a time, then in groups of three, and continuing on until they must pick up all 10 jacks in one group. If at any time, the player picks up the wrong number of jacks, touches any jacks not in the group, or fails to catch the ball, their turn is over. On their next turn, they will try again, starting with the same grouping.